American Dietetic Association

March is National Nutrition Month

The month of March is National Nutrition Month! This campaign was designed by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics to help jumpstart people into getting healthy. While healthy habits should be practiced all year long, if you haven’t been so dedicated now is the perfect time to start. Bikini season is right around the corner so why not join the movement and get in shape just in time! There are many ways to replace your unhealthy habits with smarter choices for a healthier body.

The theme for National Nutrition Month this year is “Eat Right with Color”. The more colorful your plate, the more nutrients you are getting and also a better balanced meal. Be sure to load up on lots of lean protein, such as chicken or fish. Green leafy veggies are also a great source of vitamins and fiber. Whole grains should be incorporated into your diet as well as yummy fruits such as blueberries, strawberries, bananas and mango. You can splurge every now and then with your favorite treats, but always remember portion control!


Shed pounds and stay fit by adding at least 30-40 minutes of exercise into your daily routine, taking a break about once a week. Regular exercise is paramount for your overall health. It improves heart health, decreases risk of disease and improves strength and well-being. Go for a brisk walk or run in the morning before heading into the office or swim laps in the pool. Taking a scenic bike ride or go for a hike. Dancing and yoga are also good sources of exercise and burn lots of calories. As long as you are staying active your body will thank you!

Why not let National Nutrition Month jump-start your diet and fitness routine now? It’s never too late to start and you’ve got nothing to lose– except a few pounds of fat and some bad eating habits of course!